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Thursday, May 16, 2013


This is Sarah from Forever Changed! Since I really like reviewing music, I decided to make a whole blog dedicated to it! I am a Christian and I LOVE all kinds of music. I have been obsessed with music since I was 10 or 11. I started listening to non-Christian music when I was 11. Since then, I have realized how confusing, horrible, and twisting the pop culture is. I decided to write this blog to shine a light in the world of music. Music is a great thing, but if you don't have good judgment, it could influence you in  a bad way. My judgment comes from God. Without Him, my judgment would be terrible. I'm just going to say it clearly: If you don't go by God's standards when listening to music, music can be more hurtful than good. Still, I am learning to go by God's standards when listening to music. Thanks for dropping by and hope to see you again soon!

In Christ,

1 comment:

  1. I'm sooo glad u made this blog!! U have a HUGE talent for writing and I'm glad that ur making a blog just for writing!!

